We have a choice when we get up each morning. We can either start our morning routine as soon as our feet hit the floor, or we can make a promise to ourselves as to how we want to conduct ourselves throughout that day, weaving that contract into everything we say, do, and think. The latter is setting an intention. Without setting an intention we manage to get a lot done yet sometimes at the end of the day wonder ‘what's the point?’ or ‘why can’t I change.’
When we set an intention, we are declaring the point of that day and our mindful dedication to ourselves to make it happen. ‘I will listen to understand’ is an intention you might set if you sense a disconnect with family members or your colleagues. ‘I will eat a healthy lunch and making time for my workout today’ is an intention for when you want to feel healthier. These intentions are linked to a feeling that you are lacking and want to acquire.
Conversely, if you purchase a gym membership you have not necessarily made a contract with yourself to go there. If you want better relationships and have not tied that commitment to specific actions fueled by purpose things don't often change. The vague intent becomes a notion.
Many people who set daily intentions also have mindful morning routines that may include reading from a daily devotional, yoga, meditation, prayer, physical activity, slowly drinking a full glass of water. Intentions and mindful routines are not as much for when you do them but for when you are pulled away from your intention. They increase self-awareness of your thoughts and underscore the depth of your commitment to your intentions - listening better or making healthy choices.
It's not easy to stick to habits. That's why I encourage people to write down their intentions and keep them where they can see them - on a nightstand, in the Notes app on your phone, or in a treasured journal. Most people don't like to look at a commitment they made to themselves in writing that they didn't keep. Writing it down inspires accountability.
Tomorrow, you have a choice to make. Hit the ground running, or ground how you run your life.