Are you ready to be valued at the executive level without it costing you wellbeing?
The Mindful Leader Satisfied Life Circle
Executive Coaching Program
You Might Need Coaching If You...
- Feel disrespected, ineffective, and frustrated about not being recognized for your value.
- Are in a new role or reaching for something big and notice unresolved issues are in the way.
- Can't stop thinking, saying, or doing something that doesn't serve your career or personal life.
- Are judged by age bias - other's think you're too young or too old. The anxiety is exhausting.
- Have been passed over for promotion or hire.
- Allow others' disappointment, expectations, assumptions to impact your performance.
- Have stopped dreaming big and believing you can have it.
- Have been stereotyped. “Too _______.” “Not executive material.” "No executive presence."
- Are bogged down in corporate cynicism, personal agendas, attention posturing and bureaucracy.
- Can't maintain healthy routines for eating, exercise, sleep, self-care.
- Feel as if all you do is put out fires. You’re exhausted. No clarity on how to change this.
- Worry that you might lose your current status or position, drop down on the career ladder, or get passed up for promotions.
Tired of Chasing Success and Feeling Exhausted and Disappointed?
This is What You Get...
Job security, respect, executive presence, advancement, fulfillment and...
- 6-months Access to Weekly Small Group Coaching Sessions for individual attention from Mary Lee Gannon - a 19+ year senior executive and certified executive coach. (If you can't make the call they are recorded and stored in your portal.)
- Coached and learn by watching others get coached.
- Instant Access for six months to the 5-Star Leader time-saving assets, video trainings, modules and tools. The workbooks are your personalized Leadership Impact Plan!
- Instant Access to Mary Lee's Quick Tip Video Library with lots of short 2-3 minute videos. You can listen in the car or watch on the train.
- A full section for those looking to advance, change roles, or industries in Module #3. (Job search, resume and interview prep.)
- Private Community for daily questions, accountability, & support.
Flow-on-the-Go Weekly Well-being Planner
mailed to you.
The Foundation of a Satisfied Life - The Model
You’ll learn how to tune it all out and turn your attention inward - how to notice the stories, emotions and actions that take hold when you aren't paying attention so you can see past them to your genius. Everything builds from here.
Get Clear
You'll learn how to take back control of your run-away thoughts by developing mindful practices - personal to you that align with your values - to incorporate into your daily routines. Your vision will emerge in this open space.
Transform Doubt
You'll challenge the assumptions you've adopted as the truth and bravely step into new territory where you no longer cling to excuses. You don't need to be right. You'd rather get it right.
Optimize Your Environment
You draw boundaries around your precious time, relationships, projects whereby your profoundly true identity emerges, making your sphere of influence stronger. Because you value this new sacred version of yourself, so do others. (A full section on career advancement.)
Position Your Leadership Impact and Brand
Bring the inside out. Show up as the most authentic version of yourself every day with a solid personal mission, value proposition, signature strengths, emotional intelligence, executive presence and a career plan.
Play Big
With goals and a plan in hand, you live the career and life you’ve always dreamed of. You have a solid 30-60-90 day plan. You show up, knowing exactly who you are, how to release what doesn't serve you and welcoming in all the good you deserve. You are effective, sought after and revered for your uniqueness. You're satisfied.
Presence Institute Recordings
This section holds special teachings that are regularly added by Mary Lee. Check often for surprise magic.
Put the techniques you learn into practice during weekly recorded group coaching sessions. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own career and life journey. If you can't make the call, listen to it later.
Before each group session, you’ll get a mindful prompt to remind you about the session. This will help your thoughts flow. Then when you come to the group you may be coached on anything you wish. You’ll be ready to share what came up for you.
If you want to be coached, just raise your hand in the group. If not, just watch, listen and grow.
The best learning comes from watching others. These sessions are where the synergy and magic take hold - where it all comes together! Leaders find it powerful to learn that others are having similar challenges and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos of their lives.
Private Group for Daily Sharing Support
For the time between our calls there is a Private Mindful Leader Satisfied Life Facebook Group where we post questions, find answers, and support each other. You have total daily support whenever you need it.

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE
Executive Coach
I went from welfare to CEO, running a $33 million organization.
I help busy leaders get off the treadmill to nowhere, be respected and advance so they can be more effective, happier and have better relationships with the people who matter while it still matters.
19-Year CEO and ICF Certified Coach: I have a unique perspective as a 19 year CEO, currently running a $33 million organization within a 95,000 employee company and coaching leaders to high performance happiness and well-being. I am an International Coach Federation Certified Coach (ACC) , a Certified Professional Coach by Duquesne University (PC), a Certified Association Executive (CAE).
Personal Turnaround: My personal turnaround came as a stay-at-home mother with four children under seven-years-old when we endured a divorce that took us from the country club life to public assistance from where I re-invented my life to the C-Suite to support my family.
Well-being: I am a graduate of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Practices Program and the Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital Coaching in Medicine & Leadership Conference, a scholarship recipient of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute at Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership created at Google, and have authored two books: Reinvent You – From Welfare to CEO and Starting Over.
Awards/Recognition: I have had the privilege to receive the following honors: The Honorary Woman of Courage Award by Pennsylvania Women Work, The Lifetime Achievement Award by Pittsburgh Society of Association Executives, The Women of Integrity Award by Pittsburgh Professional Women, The Leading Lady Award by Oakland Catholic, WHIRL Magazine's Women in Business Award, Influential Leader Award by Pittsburgh Professional Women.
I've walked the talk.

"There is no doubt that without this exploration I would not now be poised to take on the next phase of my career as a vice president."
Dina L. Perry
Vice President, Physician Services
Bayhealth Medical Center

"Mary Lee Gannon was exactly the mentor and guide I needed to help clarify my priorities, face my fears and move towards my goals."
Marina Tharayil
Smart Mobility Analytics Product Development & Data Scientists' Manager
Ford Motor Company

"In working with Mary Lee what has changed is my approach in dealing with difficult situations and/or people. I've learned techniques to deal with them in a positive manner."
Michael Spencer, MBA, CCIFP
Risk Management SQ Manager
The Beck Group
Dallas, Texas
Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right executive coaching package for you.
If you have questions you may request a Discovery Call with Mary Lee at [email protected]