Clients often ask me how to find a role that is right for them. The solution is a two-part equation.
1️⃣ First, you must definitively know not only what you can do better than anyone else, but also who you are in the process so that you can position yourself for a role you’ll love in a way that the organization competes to keep or hire you. That takes focus. We work strategically on this before we even look at job opportunities.
2️⃣ Secondly, once that’s in place you have to know what you want in order to find a meaningful role in a great organization.
💡Characteristics of a Great Leadership Role:
✅ 1. A role where you have a decisive vision for what needs to be done, support to get the resources necessary for strategic execution, and the ability to build a cohesive team.
✅ 2. A culture that aligns with your personal values or the ability to create a culture that meets the needs of the changing workforce where lifestyle, self-care and inclusion are priorities.
✅ 3. A boss or board who cares about your professional development.
✅ 4. Work that is meaningful to you, positions your signature strengths, and is directly tied to the economic engine of the business.
✅ 5. A position that is not easily transferable and has a career ladder in two to three years.
✅ 6. A salary and bonus structure that convince you that you are valued.
Here’s the best part…
You don’t have to leave your company to find a great role. Most of my clients are not looking for new jobs yet, at first, saw that as the only way out of the discomfort they felt at work. They came to me because they were not valued by their boss or advancing in the roles they have. The unhappiness was affecting their personal relationships, their healthy routines, and their performance.
Once they got the first part of the equation figured out, the second part was a lot easier.
The Still Space Podcast - #40 How to Be The Agile Leader – When You’re Not Sure How. In this episode Mary Lee unravels what it is to be an agile leader, how to manage yourself in the areas that don’t come naturally to you. She explains how a team mantra or manifesto can become the guide that grounds everyone and that a carefully balanced system of agility and stability lends itself to efficacy. Humility is key. Listen wherever you listen to podcasts or here: Mary Lee’s website Apple Spotify
If you are feeling age discrimination when your company should be putting your expertise to good use, this link to the strategies I share with my clients might help >>> 10 Tips When You Fear Age Bias
Your coach,
Mary Lee
P.S. Feel free to send this link to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.
Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Request a free consultation call.
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