Everyone is carrying their own version of, “I’m not good enough” which deep down means “I’m not lovable.” Some people have had this message reinforced more than is reasonable.
What if you could turn down the volume on that message to allow for a message to emerge from your core, not your protected self?
What if you could stop identifying with things that happened in the past and allow for who you are without that situation to step forward and direct your thoughts?
What if you could be the one person who shows a difficult person that they matter today?
Thoughts lead to feelings that lead to actions. Honor the feelings so as to release them. In that space you are the creator of new thoughts.
Thoughts are not edicts. They are energy. We choose our thoughts. New thoughts will lead to new feelings. And there’s no limit to the actions you’ll take there. You’re ready.
When you put down the heavy load you've been carrying you can move much faster toward what you want. That’s freedom.
Just Some of the Results of Mindful Leader - Satisfied Life:
Get more done, no longer play small and relax
No more excuses
You have executive presence - walk into any room and belong
Mindful leadership - no longer risk averse, comparing or judging - just aware
You finally control your thoughts and your behavior
You're positioned for a more effective career
You’re seen and valued at work and by others
You stop living in the past and identify with your core
You go from feeling victimized to empowered
You stop self-sabotage and procrastination with action aligned with your identified values
You are more liked
You’re identified as a “Must Have”
You have better sleep, eating habits, self-control
You laugh
You enjoy close meaningful relationships without fear of intimacy or judgment
You trust your instinct because it serves you
You're not overwhelmed or stressed all the time because you're more aware of how to prioritize
You’re satisfied!
And lastly…
You can choose not to apply and stay on the treadmill to nowhere. And you can choose to get the role, clarity, peace, likability, relationships, and efficacy you want while having FUN!. The choice is yours. Learn more about the program and apply here. If you're ready to apply for one of the 6 open spaces - Apply now!
THE STILL SPACE PODCAST EPISODE: Episode #9 Ask the Coach - How Do You Deal With Ageism? Ageism is a form of discrimination that isn’t talked about and is felt by one of the largest subsets of the population. By the time employees are in their 40s they begin to see signs of it. Know what those signs are and 10 tips to counter them. Listen here. Listen wherever you listen to podcasts or at these links: Mary Lee’s website Apple Spotify
Your coach,
Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE
P.S. Feel free to forward this link to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.
Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Learn more about Mindful Leader - Satisfied Life here.
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