This is Where Change Begins

No one can make you feel the way you won't allow yourself to feel. 

I can’t stress enough how this concept is where change begins. Fulfillment is not external. Yes, work on skillset and strategy. But you won’t see yourself at your full potential until you are ready to release your old mindsets that are only assumptions, name what you deserve, and fully accept it. Behave as if it is already happening. 

Yes, you deserve the promotion, relationship, love and new job. Discard the trap your thoughts have set to keep you safe and free from pain. They are an illusion that keep you from calculated risks. Be vulnerable because that is innocent and fresh. It draws people to you. It also draws opportunity. 

Let go of perfectionism and expectations that only leave you with disappointment. You will grow from the experience either way. Goals are not expectations. They are metrics. Expectations put your worth on the line if the goal is not met. Never helpful. 

Concentrate on the practices that keep you in the moment - physical activity, meditation, hobbies, prayer, a mindful walk. Concentrate on what assumption it’s time to release. Notice how much lighter it feels to leave it behind. You’ve got this. 

Success is freedom. Not more hours.

Many people are worried about their jobs. Will they have one? Why aren't they getting promoted? Are they too old, your, inexperienced, lacking a certain educational experience? I hear it every day. Don’t have an accidental life or career. Often more planning goes into a summer vacation than a 40-year career or 90-year life.

I am giving away this new executive career planning tool I give to my clients because so many people are suffering with anxiety about the future right now and need direction. Create a linear actionable plan for your next career move with this step-by-step fill-in-the-blanks tool I created as a 19-year Corporate CEO and Executive Coach. Now you can finally trade the worry and the treadmill to nowhere for a fulfilling career and rewarding life. Success is freedom. Not more hours. Get it here >>> Eight Tip Career Plan When You're Not Sure What Industry or Position.  

Your coach,  

Mary Lee 

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.  

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Request a free consultation call.


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