Your Vision - Where to Start

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2018

People search their whole lives for what will make them happy – material goods, a spouse, a home, vacations, freedom, better health, etc. Usually they frame happiness in the caveat of “more.”  If only I were a little more thin, more healthy, more rich, had more time, more friends, etc. “More” is not a qualifier for vision. You can’t ultimately end up in a fulfilling place if you cannot define what fulfills you. That's where creating your vision of what you want makes a difference.

When you craft your vision make it the best, richest, juiciest, scariest vision you can imagine!  Do NOT take into consideration what you perceive today to be possible. I work diligently with my clients to define the crispness of their vision and a vision statement because that clarity is crucial for results. When creating your vision only consider your ideal dream – your friends, your home, your family, your career, your business, your creative outlets, your relationships, your physical and spiritual well-being, the amount of money you are making, your investments, who is in your life, how you contribute to the world…  Write down your vision. Studies show that what we write down is infinitely more likely to occur.

I wrote my vision and sketched it out on an index cards years ago. I read it over often, refined it and glanced at the sketch I had tucked into the corner of a mirror over my desk every day. I attribute my success to the positivity this instilled in my life. Using this same visioning exercise I became a CEO, a better parent, married the love of my life and built a coaching practice that brings me the most fulfillment of any work I have ever done. Best yet is that I notice a decline in drama, doubt and conflict in my life. Peace is the ultimate happiness.

Your ‘Vision’ is a working document. You will add to this daily or weekly if you like. Your desires will become more vivid as you get “unstuck” and rid yourself of doubt gremlins and limiting beliefs that are in the way. You will enjoy broader fulfillment as you add detail. What does it smell like, feel like, taste like? You sustain a path to your vision by specifically defining what makes you happy – your purpose. What did you do as a child that made you smile? What makes your heart sing?  Remember a time when everything was in harmony – your mind, your body and your spirit – what were you doing?

Or you can just keep doing what you are doing if you are where you want to be. The choice is yours. If I were you I’d start writing that vision right now – even if just the first sentence. That’s a start! Bravo!!!

If you want to live a vivid vision download my FREE e-Workbook Be the New SMART Leader which will walk you through the exercise of building your self-awareness and crafting your ideal life. Success is freedom. Not more hours.

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