You're Doubting Yourself AND A Special Offer!

Dear {{first_name}},

You’re a leader in a high performing role but deep down you understand that emotional intelligence and clarity are critical to your success. You’ve started to doubt yourself. You feel you don’t have a clear career path and feel you need more executive presence for greater influence and efficacy.


You’ve noticed your relationships are frayed, you’re resentful, you’re not sleeping well and other healthy habits have gone by the wayside too. 

Here is what I know to be true:

  • When you have the humility to see yourself honesty you free yourself to be a more powerful leader.
  •  When you stop focusing on being right and start focusing on getting it right you take your leadership to a whole new level.
  •  The path you seek is directly in front of you. When you push aside the doubt, cynicism, bureaucracy and personal agendas so you can see it clearly.
  •  Sitting back and waiting for others to notice your value is like sitting back and thinking the lion won’t eat you becau
  • ...
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It's a Superpower

I have one distinct trait that stands out among everything I do. 

I see people. I see their genius very clearly. And I can get to the root of what is in the way. 

I've had this quality my entire life. It used to get me in trouble because I always asked a lot of questions. It's no surprise that after a long day in my CEO role I ended up coaching in the late afternoons and early evenings.

Sometimes people don't want to go into the dark corners of their lives. I'm fascinated by the dark corners because I know by experience how empty they are and that I can shed light there.  

✅ I see when someone has lost their magic. This is the saddest for me and is when I am especially attentive to someone’s pain. 

✅ I see when people are in their own way. 

✅ I see when ‘business’ has taken the place of acceptance. 

✅ I see a life change when someone shifts from resentment, aloneness, blaming and complaining to confidence, connection and calm. 

You may already be in the top 5% of your peers bec...

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Can We Please Normalize PTO?

Can we all please normalize appreciating PTO. Arnie and I decided a long time ago that we have to be the ones to prioritize our wellbeing. We didn’t wait for retirement to get the beach house. We don’t wait for retirement to travel. We don’t wait for retirement to regularly visit our children out of town. We don’t wait for retirement to take up hobbies, new sports, creative endeavors, meet new friends. We don’t have a bucket list. We live it every day. 

I've spent most of my career as an execuitive at hospitals all to often seeing people retire, think they're going to do everything they've been waiting their whole lives to do, and an illness stops them in their tracks. Don't wait. Scale your dreams to what is reasonable and live them now.

Arnie and I are both high achievers and realize that sometimes doing our best means reflecting on what’s in the way of that happening. 

The American culture has convinced many people that the work treadmill is necessary for success. That you must p...

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Your Still Space, Executive Presence and Mindful Daily Practices

This podcast shows you how to stop self-sabotage and regret. Thoughts can be chaos when they are out of control. Finding your still space gives you power. In your still space you gain control over runaway thoughts before they hijack your efficacy and likability. In this episode wew explore mindful daily practices that help you build your awareness to notice the still space window before it closes and you’ve missed the opportunity and said or done something you regret.

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