One Day You'll Realize

We become our worst critic when things start to go bad. 


✅ What if things weren’t going bad at all?


✅ What if things were just happening on your road to figuring out what right path to take?


✅ What if the way you relate to the difficult things that happen could change?


✅ What if you believed everything you need you already have?


✅ What if you had the courage to let all the drama of discord settle like snow in a snow globe?


✅ What if what you see isn’t anything that you expected?


✅ What if it was a little scary at first and you were ok with that?


💡 What if what used to be chaos is now clarity?


😳 That’s freedom.


You can’t be at your best when you are plagued with fatigue and defeat – when you aren’t fresh, innovative and excited.
I learned this the hard way. As a chief executive I got to a point where I ceased to be willing to subrogate my wellbeing for my career and learned a new way to lead more effectively AND not at the expense of my family. Th...

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Your Comfort Zone

I really like this graphic because it illustrates how we have to move beyond fear before we can truly learn. We can read and study about what we need to do but nothing really changes until we deal with fear first. After conquering fear there is freedom.  

Fear is generally mired in life messages to which we affix assumptions. “I’m not ______ enough.” Unraveling those messages is difficult no doubt. We have to face them first. Examine the discomfort. Define how we feel about it. Welcome it in so we can own it. Not turn away. We can release what we own. If we remain victims and don’t own our discomfort it just keeps chasing us down and we just keep running away. That’s paralyzing.

Wishing you freedom today.

If you are struggling with uncertaintly and feel exhasuted and ineffective watch my FREE Training on Three Ways to Move to the Next Level In Your Career Right Now to 1) identify the right role for you, 2) position your transferable skills and 3) create a career portfolio that sells...

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