Five Things I Learned on My Family Vacation

Recently, my family was together for a summer vacation and get-together in my hometown. Some of my family live here. My oldest daughter and her husband and two children came to visit. Additionally, four of our other children who live here got together in some form with the group nearly every day over a 10-day timeframe. There was much laughter, deep conversations, some drama and a lot of love.   

I was a little sad when everyone left to go home to their daily lives. I was a little surprised by some things that occurred last week and questioned why some things are the way they are. Mostly, I felt full - full of being loved and giving love. I will share how I got to this pace despite drama and how I stay there. Even if I wander off the path, I know how to get back on it to get home.  

A long time ago I read the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and the advice always serves me well.

#1) Be impeccable with your word.

#2) Don't take anything personally.

#3) Don't make assumpt...

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