You want to let go of that nasty, debilitating thought that gnaws at your peace, ambition and ability to show up for people you care about.
You try.
But doubt keeps weaseling itself back to the front of your mind and taking up more space every time it resurfaces.
📚 You read self-help books.
👂 You listen to podcasts.
🧐 You think about it a lot yet nothing changes.
💪You figure you’ll just work harder because that always worked before only now not only are you stuck, you’re exhausted. And people are distancing themselves from you.
😡You get hard on yourself because you can’t fix this.
😩You start to think there’s something wrong with you, that this will last forever and effect your relationships.
👀 You notice that your are giving up hope.
The truth is…
The reason none of these things are working is two fold…
I have one question for you.
Are you where you want to be in your career and personal life?
If the answer is, "yes," go to the next thing that interests you.
If the answer is "not really" or "I don't even think about what I want anymore," then you might want to think try to understand what you might be missing in your leadership and your career search - what other people see that you do not.
It is kind of scary looking at yourself from a different perspective. That's ok. You've already done a lot of firsts in your life. So have I.
✅ First time married
✅ First time divorced
✅ First time as a single mom of four children
✅ First time on welfare, food stamps, medical assistance, homeless and without an automobile
✅ First time committing to not be a victim, owning my life and being the role model my children need
✅ First CEO role I wasn’t qualified for on paper
✅ First time raising $10.4 million on the heels of the largest hospital bankruptcy in US history
✅ First time letting my guard down...
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