When You Can't Let Go

You want to let go of that nasty, debilitating thought that gnaws at your peace, ambition and ability to show up for people you care about.


You try.


But doubt keeps weaseling itself back to the front of your mind and taking up more space every time it resurfaces.


📚 You read self-help books.


👂 You listen to podcasts.


🧐 You think about it a lot yet nothing changes.


đŸ’ȘYou figure you’ll just work harder because that always worked before only now not only are you stuck, you’re exhausted. And people are distancing themselves from you.


😡You get hard on yourself because you can’t fix this.


đŸ˜©You start to think there’s something wrong with you, that this will last forever and effect your relationships.


👀 You notice that your are giving up hope.


The truth is


The reason none of these things are working is two fold


  1. The thing you think you need to let go of is likely not the root of the problem.


  1. You don’t know how to interrupt the destructiv
  2. ...
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Get Unstuck

You know that head trash that keeps you up at night - I’ll never find the right job - I’m getting old - He doesn’t like me - I am stressed from work - She doesn’t love me - I’m not smart enough? Self-inquiry questions start the journey to clear a path through mind clutter for clarity: 

Who am I?

What do I want?

What is my purpose?

How can I serve?

What am I grateful for?

This self-inquiry brings awareness of what is true to you - the open soul, free of assumptions and expectations. 

You are not your thoughts, experiences, sensations. You are the observer of them - free of them whether positive or negative. 

Don’t fake positive thinking. That is artificial. You’ve undoubtedly seen people trying too hard to be positive. “I can handle this. It will be fine,” when they really feel exhausted and defeated. Pretending only makes you more stressed. Admit and be curious about how you feel without attaching any future or judgement to it. “This is what it’s like to feel anxious. I wonder ...

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