Happy People Don't Do This

Happy people do not hurt one another. Period. If you are at the wrath of anyone’s bad behavior you already have the upper hand. If that person is your boss you still have the upper hand. You’re not compromised by the level of fear and anxiety that they carry around. Don’t be a victim. Draw on your emotional intelligence. It’s your superpower. 

If they are toxic don’t seek approval they don’t have to give. This gives them power. Stay entirely off their radar screen. 

Only go to them when you need information or a decision and then give them two choices. Busy people don’t want to create but prefer to decide. 

Use phrases that remind them that you have their back. “I know that (X) is important to you so I wanted to make you aware that….” 

Deal with your own fears and anxieties by getting curious about what’s under your initial reaction to them. Fear of losing a job or respect? If the worst happens then what? I suspect you’ll land on your feet. But the worst likely won’t happen because...

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When Another Person Makes You Suffer

Sadly, we internalize and personalize someone’s negativity toward us because we don’t see their suffering at the root of their behavior. We think it’s us. Many of my clients are dealing with command and control bosses and colleagues who posture with personal agendas in cultures where bureaucracy and cynicism are the norm.  

Know this - happy people do not hurt one another. If someone is disrespectful in how they deliver feedback they are unhappy and trying desperately to push that unhappiness on you. The problem for them is this fear based leadership never brings them happiness yet they keep executing the same way at your expense. They can’t turn inward and address their unrest. They turn away from pain with anger and push it outward either overtly or with passive aggression. Very sad existence for them. Don’t make their problem yours. 

It is your choice whether or not to hear feedback as an opportunity and take positive action or wear the disrespect like you own it, entirely discoun...

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