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At work sometimes we think the solution is to add more work onto what already needs to be done when often the most productive choice is to reengineer the work to eliminate useless tasks and combine others into streamlined processes. This requires a big step back to see the entire picture and not just the finite goal at hand - cause and effect. 


Sometimes we need to start over. That isn’t failure. It’s setting ego aside for innovation. 


In my two-decade career as a hospital executive I have watched new regulations bury front line workers as management teams tack on new regulations as one more thing to be done at the bedside by the nurse or professional. When my father was in a hospital across town it made me sad to see the nurses lined up at computers in the nurses’ station when I knew they would rather have been at the bedside.

I’ve also seen wise leaders reinvent processes so there aren’t more forms to fill out but one form that captures everything in a uniform way. A good qu...

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