It's Cost You Too Much Already to Stay Stuck

You’re a leader in a high performing role but deep down you understand that emotional intelligence and clarity are critical to your success. You’ve started to doubt yourself. You feel you don’t have a clear career path and feel you need more executive presence for greater influence and efficacy.

You’ve noticed your relationships are frayed, you’re resentful, you’re not sleeping well and other healthy habits have gone by the wayside too. 

Here is what I know to be true:

  •   When you have the humility to see yourself honesty you free yourself to be a more powerful leader.
  •   When you stop focusing on being right and start focusing on getting it right you take your leadership to a whole new level.
  •   The path you seek is directly in front of you. When you push aside the doubt, cynicism, bureaucracy and personal agendas so you can see it clearly.
  •   Sitting back and waiting for others to notice your value is like sitting back and thinking the lion won’t eat you because you didn’t eat hi
  • ...
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