Can We Please Normalize PTO? (and Announcement!)

Can we all please normalize appreciating PTO. Arnie and I decided a long time ago that we have to be the ones to prioritize our wellbeing. We didn’t wait for retirement to get the beach house. We don’t wait for retirement to travel. We don’t wait for retirement to regularly visit our children out of town. We don’t wait for retirement to take up hobbies, new sports, creative endeavors, meet new friends. We don’t have a bucket list. We live it every day. 

I've spent most of my career as an execuitive at hospitals all to often seeing people retire, think they're going to do everything they've been waiting their whole lives to do, and an illness stops them in their tracks. Don't wait. Scale your dreams to what is reasonable and live them now.

Arnie and I are both high achievers and realize that sometimes doing our best means reflecting on what’s in the way of that happening. 

The American culture has convinced many people that the work treadmill is necessary for success. That you must p...

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Do You Wear 'Busy' as a Badge of Honor?

I see this a lot in the corporate setting. People wear “busy” like a badge of honor. Early in my career I did too. It’s our way of grasping at perfection or averting the fear that is under the surface. Either way it’s a dance away from intimacy - away from the story we’re attached to that is fraught with flawed  perceptions. 

I don’t have time.

I don’t have enough experience.

I’m too old.

I’m too young.

I’ll never get this right.

It hasn’t worked til now so what’s the point?

If I let up, I’ll never catch up.

I’m too overwhelmed to think of a different way.

I have to try harder than others.

I’ll sit back and let my work ethic speak for itself.

Hard work is not a differentiator at the senior level. Everyone works hard there. You have to show self-awareness, be able to manage your emotions in the moment, strategize quickly especially in a crisis moment, execute a well articulated vision, listen deeply, develop good relationships, draw healthy boundaries and demonstrate self-acc...

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