We become our worst critic when things start to go bad.
✅ What if things weren’t going bad at all?
✅ What if things were just happening on your road to figuring out what right path to take?
✅ What if the way you relate to the difficult things that happen could change?
✅ What if you believed everything you need you already have?
✅ What if you had the courage to let all the drama of discord settle like snow in a snow globe?
✅ What if what you see isn’t anything that you expected?
✅ What if it was a little scary at first and you were ok with that?
💡 What if what used to be chaos is now clarity?
😳 That’s freedom.
You can’t be at your best when you are plagued with fatigue and defeat – when you aren’t fresh, innovative and excited.
I learned this the hard way. As a chief executive I got to a point where I ceased to be willing to subrogate my wellbeing for my career and learned a new way to lead more effectively AND not at the expense of my family. Th...
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