What Gives Us Hope

It’s interesting how much hope and wisdom comes from having lived a full life.


Yet often with all our accomplishments we feel we’ve missed something.


That we don’t know what it all amounts to.


That we’re not sure we have purpose to our lives.


That retirement means an ending.


That we won’t be relevant after a layoff.


That the best years of our lives are behind us.


➡️ These are thoughts.


➡️ They are assumptions based on flawed beliefs that grew out of emotions we turn away from such as…









đź’ˇ When we learn how to honor the emotion and break the perseverative cycle of defeating thoughts with a go-to personal practice the world opens.


💔 My mother is in a nursing home. It scares me sometimes to visit her because in my grief for her condition I also have to admit that I worry if I’ll end up the same way.


âś… I acknowledge how uncomfortable this makes me. If I get really curious instead of afraid I ...

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How to know you have enough for retirement, the second home, the new car...

I’ve wanted to live at the beach since my first visit as a child. My husband and I wrestled with how much money would be enough to save for retirement before we would get a house. Finally, we realized that “enough” is relative. You can always have more. But you can’t always get back precious lost moments.  

Live your life. Don’t wait for perfection. It will never come. The most precious moment you’ll ever have is right now. Make the life decisions you’ve dreamed of for if you don’t your life becomes full of tomorrows where you dummy down your dreams. Your gut will tell you the difference between what’s irresponsible and what’s healthy for you. Action breeds results. Inaction breeds frustration.  

Wishing you freedom and joy today.

If you are struggling with uncertaintly and feel exhasuted and ineffective watch my FREE Training on Three Ways to Move to the Next Level In Your Career Right Now to 1) identify the right role for you, 2) position your transferable skills and 3) create a c...

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What to do With Melancholy

I’ve had a very melancholy week. I’m selling my childhood home for my mother, listing my uncle's home for sale (the home my mother grew up in) to help my mother as executor of his estate, and saying goodbye to a majestic era. This photo is of the beautiful patio of The Hotel Excelsior Grand Vittoria in Sorrento, Italy where we stayed several years ago and reminds me that each day has a sunrise and a sunset for a reason. It’s a metaphor for life. Just as the sun has to set in orderly rise again, some things have necessary endings so there can be new beginnings.  

When we grasp onto an ending because we don’t want it to go away it’s like reaching against nature, leaving us forever unsatisfied because what we want is impossible - the energy is against us.  

Honor the memory. For me that means taking the birdbath from my parent’s backyard to my backyard and thinking of my dad who loved to birdwatch every time one of them shakes water from its wings.  

When we are gentle with ourselves a...

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