Often, we go about our lives thinking our relationships at work and in life are ok while under the surface a subtle ember of discord is burning. Then one day it bursts into full blaze and we do or say something that rips at our presence. At work this is particularly difficult when it strips your executive presence. One of the subtle feelings that shreds our peace is the feeling that we have been taken for granted.Ā
You might think you hate your boss or that a colleague is self-absorbed but that is focusing on their behavior and not your feelings. What does their behavior make you feel? Small? Disregarded? Disrespected? Undervalued? Naming the feeling disarms its power.Ā
You know you want to draw healthier boundaries when you feel taken advantage of, taken for granted, responsible for someone elseā€™s happiness or blatantly disrespected. To understand the power of health boundaries first imagine that you are on a big farm. You...
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