Psychological Safety at Work

When a team feels they have psychological safety at work they’re not experiencing cynicism, personal agendas, bureaucracy and posturing. It’s up to us as leaders to provide that. 


By working on ourselves. The answer is not in a book or a training or a conference. It’s inside of you. 

When we can go into the dark corners of our lives and root out what holds us back - what makes us insecure, we stop doing and tolerating these culture killing and self-defeating behaviors.

When we can stand our self-doubt up against our courage we make space for the truth - that we are all human and better when we support each other. 

When we can accept that we’re not perfect especially in the face of regret, we soften to ourselves and then to others. 

Nothing is permanent. We’re all a work in progress. 

The human condition is happy when it feels safe and accepted. You deserve to be safe. You deserve the promotion or new job. You deserve love and healthy relationships. You deserve to thrive. 

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