This Misconception Costs Careers, Relationships and Satisfaction

This image illustrates the fallacy that hard work leads to recognition and advancement. That accessories will make you feel important. That salary equals fulfillment.

These are merely coverings we lay over our desire to be valued when we don’t believe in ourselves.

At a certain level everyone is working hard, earns a reasonable wage and has a nice pen or handbag.

Hard work can turn into the treadmill to nowhere if it is your only career strategy or your escape from things that are not working.

Negotiating for salary without a tool belt of signature strengths, how you’ve applied them, your measurable key accomplishments, your value proposition in a new role and a timeline for delivery is far less effective.

And the stuff you buy is a great way to treat yourself as long as it isn’t how you make yourself feel good when you doubt yourself.

Everything on the bottom of this image comes from an internal sense of self-worth.

I see this in my clients. Society tells you what you should wa...

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