You Must Choose One of the Two

Some people get up every morning and love their workout. I’ve been working out five mornings a week for years and I’ve hated it every single day. 

Hate is a strong word. But I’m pretty sure that sums it up. And the truth is I never expect that to change. So it’s ok. I just do it because I feel, look, and move better with this discipline. I would regret not feeling this freedom otherwise. 

I’m not a structured person by nature. I never read directions, like standing in line, or understand hierarchy. 

But I do understand the value of discipline even though it doesn’t come naturally to me. 


Because I’m motivated by avoiding the pain of regret. I don’t live in regret. It’s defeating. 

It’s why I track mindful daily practices every day (yoga, meditation, slowly drinking a glass of water) to keep me in the present moment so I can be self-aware enough to control my runaway thoughts and emotions. 

Because those thoughts tell me I don’t have time for woo-woo stuff like that. Yet I ...

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A Special New Year’s Message and Gift for You

Yes, it’s the week most people are doing the “what am I going to do in the new year?” struggle. We reflect on the past year and wonder, even worry sometimes, about what the plan will be for change in the new year.

 Resolutions are pointless because they’re not tied to a linear system to create practices that make them happen. Most people don’t stick to resolutions and end up feeling more defeated when they can’t.  

So, they dummy down real goal setting to things like, “I won’t swear.” Or “I’ll lose 5 pounds.” Or “I’ll get that project finished on time.” These are simply notions. All of these are not tied to defined values or a mindset and plan that changes habits. They likely will not occur either. More defeat.  

It makes me sad to watch great people undercut their happiness.  

This week my clients do something else. They use a tool to guide them through a healthy reflection of the past year. In doing so a clear vision of what they want to change in the coming year energes. No need...

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It's Their Fault

Reflecting on what I’ve learned from the clients I have the privilege to work with. Human behavior has always fascinated me. I’ve studied it for years. It’s amazing how we can repeat patterns over and over and don’t see the regularity of them as we continue to victimize ourselves by externalizing the origin of our unrest. 

“It’s their fault.” “This is so unfair.” “Why does this always happen to me?” “Only I get treated this way.” “This is never going to change.” 

Strong people who are uncomfortable enough with the unrest of failing relationships, lack of career advancement, poor sleep and health habits and frustration with a stagnant life commit to do something about it. 

But if that commitment isn’t a look inside themselves they’re just busying themselves with change for the sake of change on the treadmill to nowhere. Then when nothing changes not only are they unhappy, now they are exhausted and self-defeated because they think something is wrong with them. 

Nothing is wrong with...

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The Progress Continues

The work in progress continues. Last weekend I started oil painting. This weekend I’m still at it. Not a quitter here. I have had no formal training and haven’t oil painted since high school. This was a whole new territory for me. It is a little scary and intimidating. 

You probably can identify with the excitement and doubtful feelings of trying something new – looking for a new job in a different industry or with a different title, trying to stick to a daily exercise routine to get in shape, committing to better relationship skills such as listening and pausing. 

You have the best intentions. You tell yourself you will do whatever necessary to get the outcome you want – a new job, a healthier lifestyle and better physique, a closer relationship. And the first day you find you have already fallen off plan. Now, you feel even worse because not only are you discouraged, but you don’t see any hope because although you want change, you can’t even stick with it for one day. 

I see my jo...

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Do This to De-Stress

Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed such that you don't know where to begin? Then because you can't jump start anything that seems to work you become self-critical in the process and start taking everything personally. 

"This will never get better. It always seems to happen to me. Nothing is working. I wish I could just stop being this way. When will I get a break?"  

Here is a practice I share with my clients for when you feel stressed:  

1. Notice how stress shows up in your:  

a. Body = ________________

b. Feelings = _______________

c. Thoughts = ________________  

2. Welcome stress. Get curious about it. The body, mind and thoughts are designed to heighten how we deal with stress. This is good unless fear takes over. Disarm fear by answering…  

a. I am stressed about __________________________________ (WHAT?)  

b. Dig deeper. Ask yourself WHY? 5 times: Why is that important to me?

Why is that important to me?

Why is that important to me?

Why is that important to me?...

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When You've Been Through a Lot and Feel Alone

You know who you are, super heroes.

Here’s to you for not sitting back, for not whining, for making it work despite the odds, for taking risks in the face of doubt, for holding true to your priorities sometimes at the detriment of yourself, for having vision and finding a way, for listening and caring when you thought you had little to give, for being gentle with yourself when it seemed nobody was.

Here's to you for failing and starting again this time with wisdom, for swapping assumptions for the truth, for not letting comparison distract you from your goals and achievements, for wearing all the hats even when they didn’t all fit, for not needing to be right but for getting it right, for not being perfect but still awesome.

Here's to you for lying awake at night worrying about things outside of your control and accepting that no matter what happens you’ve got this, for understanding that judgment only makes you judge yourself far worse, for having the courage to face hurtful feelin...

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Releasing What No Longer Serves You

Releasing what no longer serves you it is harder than seeking what does because the answer is inside us, not external. It is far easier to blame and look outside of ourselves for a reason than own our part in the chaos.

Release requires awareness and humility. It demands giving up control. It calls us to name what we’re feeling that is in the way. It insists that we stand naked with vulnerability and say, “This is scary. I feel alone and without power here.” And then you breathe. And breathe again. And breathe again. And you realize the world didn’t end, you’re still alive and that something has changed. You feel lighter. 

And you ask yourself why you didn’t do that earlier. Why you wasted so much time in misery. It’s because you weren’t ready. 

Wishing you readiness today.

If you want more executive presence tips here’s a link to my FREE report: 31 Success Practices for Leaders in the High Stakes Corporate World 

Your coach,

Mary Lee 

P.S. Feel f...

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The Call at the Door

Did you ever see images like this one and say, “but I really do want that promotion (new job, better relationships with my team, love in my life, connection with my family, etc.)” 

“…it isn’t your door” doesn’t only mean that the door isn’t right. It also means that maybe you’re not in the right space to open that particular door. Maybe you’re more positioned to open doors that are congruous with the energy you put out in the world - doubt doors, undervalued doors, not good enough doors. 

Those doors typically lead to more of the same - frustration, self-sabotage, perfectionism, disappointment, frayed relationships. 

Achievers believe that if they just work harder things will get better because that strategy always served them. The truth is that plan, while a tenet of good character, isn’t a differentiator at the executive level. Everyone works hard there. And sometimes people who aren’t even working as hard as you get promoted over you. 

The one thing that I’ve seen missing in cli...

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The One Thing That is Missing

Dear Friend,

Have you ever really wanted something and yet allowed roadblock excuses to stand in the way? “I won’t have time?” “It’ll put too much pressure on me.” “It won’t work out so I don’t even want to try because I’ll be disappointed.”

Then the defeat we expect in remaining “safe” becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because we just put out negative energy surrounding the very thing we want, attracting the excuse we lay in the path of our desire.

This cycle is dreadfully repetitive and becomes a habit. We think intention is action yet it in this case it’s denial. And the more time we spend in this cycle the more we begin to feel like there’s something wrong with us, that it’s never going to change and it starts to effect other areas of our lives like eating habits, exercise, relationships and sleep.

The one thing that I’ve seen missing in clients when we start working together is that while somebody taught them the concepts of leadership and career management, nobody showed them how ...

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This is Where Change Begins

No one can make you feel the way you won't allow yourself to feel. 

I can’t stress enough how this concept is where change begins. Fulfillment is not external. Yes, work on skillset and strategy. But you won’t see yourself at your full potential until you are ready to release your old mindsets that are only assumptions, name what you deserve, and fully accept it. Behave as if it is already happening. 

Yes, you deserve the promotion, relationship, love and new job. Discard the trap your thoughts have set to keep you safe and free from pain. They are an illusion that keep you from calculated risks. Be vulnerable because that is innocent and fresh. It draws people to you. It also draws opportunity. 

Let go of perfectionism and expectations that only leave you with disappointment. You will grow from the experience either way. Goals are not expectations. They are metrics. Expectations put your worth on the line if the goal is not met. Never helpful. 

Concentrate on the practices that ke...

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